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There’s nothing much really “About Us” page. But I try my best here to define our goals and mission.
My name is James Hemming. I’m 27 year old. And I’m just some random guy who loves blogging and share ideas with thing’s that I’ve discovered during my hard times getting abs.
I want to make this story short and straight to the point. I’m sure you’ve all heard these kind of story many times over the the internet.
2 years ago I was once a skinny little guy with no packs what so ever. I could have recorded you a video, and show you the “before” and “after”, but heck no. I’m not here trying to impress you with all the marketing gimmicks. Plus I’m not selling you anything so what’s the point. This is just my personal blog. But you need to be clear of one thing, if I recommend you some training, or courses, then I can tell you now that it worked. Why? Because I’ve tried them myself.
Let me get this straight, the only reason why you are here is because:
1) You are over weight and you want to lose them in just 30 days from now.
2) You want to get that sexy looking abs and build muscles so that you’ll become more attractive.
3) You want to find the best solution available on how to solve your problems.
I can help you with no 3) but I can’t do anything more than that. I’m not the trainer or professional body builder to guide you or give you the “World #1 Guide to Six Pack Abs in 30 Days Flat”. I hope you can sense the sarcasm here.
Like I said, you are here for just one thing and one thing only… and that is to find the best solution to your problems. Lose weight and six pack abs.
Don’t get me wrong, getting your six pack and lean body is a process and you must TAKE ACTION! What’s that? You want to lose weight with abs but still want to eat chocolate cake everyday? Then you’re in the wrong page. Please go away.
Staying fit and living the healthy lifestyle is just another part of life. If you don’t embrace it, you will not achieve it.
Let me be transparent here with you, if you want to lose weight with abs and muscles, you have to earn it. And earning it will require sacrifices. Most people out there have the courage to work their way through and hit the gym 10 hours a week. But they are following the wrong guidelines with zero knowledge. The end result, your body stays the same.
Another group of people are doing it differently. They are smart and wise. They know how to value their time. They find help from the best trainer in the world. And they’re willing to invest and take massive action. And guess what? The end result is far more superior than those taking minimal action. Minimal action will result in minimal outcome.
So if I were you, and six pack abs is what you want, then by all means, invest your money to follow one proven method that is guaranteed to work!
And my personal recommendation is Mike Geary’s Truth About Abs program.
Why I highly recommend it?
Subscribe to my mailing list and you’ll find out why 456 of my subscribers are living the lifestyle they want.
And that is the end of “About Us” page. What I can conclude is that “we are a small group of highly dedicated people who are willing to take action, share ideas, and “like minded”; six pack abs is our ultimate goal and it is inevitable”.
If you want to follow the same program which I used, here is the link:
PS: Don’t forget to subscribe to my mailing list as I will be sending you more tips and techniques to live the life with abs!
And don’t forget to like our fan page too. Go here and like now:

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